New Horizons
01843 295680
07905 090358
Our Cars
These are our Vehicles that we use to get out and about into the community! We have two wheelchair accessible cars and a Zafira. Don't forget to give us a wave if you see us out and about!

Accessible vehicle. There are 3 seats and a space for a wheelchair. This car is named Bronnie as it was our dear friend Bronwen's car. Sadly she passed away in January 2018. Her family kindly donated us this vehicle so this car lives on in her memory.


Accessible vehicle. There are 5 seats and a space for a wheelchair. Our latest addition purchased in December.

Accessible vehicle. There are 3 seats and a space for a wheelchair. This car came from our friend Sacha's family.
Accessible vehicle. There are 3 seats in the front, two seats in the back and a space for a wheelchair. This car is named The Ed Mobile because it was bought and used by our dear friend Eddie who sadly passed away in February 2020. His Shared Lives family and our good friends Kevin and Mandy Rackley kindly thought of us when selling it. We thought it was only right to keep its name to remember our Dear friend Eddie.

7 seater to replace our old one Kaos. (R.I.P)
This ensures more of our 'able-bodied' Service Users can get out and about. We call this car Derek as is number plate is DHK,